Friday, March 28, 2008

Awesomeness Abounds

News is best when it's good, and my news is awesome. Also, there are several pieces of awesome news, which is always better than just one piece of awesome news. If you only read this far, your takeaway should be "Roches are Winners", because things are hot for us this month.

Awesome news #1: New House
After suffering through some disappointment in this awful real estate market, we managed to make good on someone else's misfortune for a change ;). Long story short, we bought a house in West Seattle.

To those who don't know Seattle, West Seattle is a peninsula about 5 miles south of where we live now. On the pictured map, if you can find "Phinney" and the green arrow (click on the picture to make it big), those are the old & new locations, respectively.

To those who know Seattle and don't live in West Seattle, sorry to abandon you. We were looking for a long long time and the recurring thought of Graham (and future children's) best interest came to mind. West Seattle is a nice place, we get to live across the street from Lincoln Park, and we have tons of friends with kids out there.

To those living in West Seattle, it's on.

Our house is right across the street from Lincoln Park, whose amenities include a playground, baseball fields, lots of trails, a promenade on the coast of Puget Sound, and a saltwater pool. So, if you walk out the front door of the new house, you just have to cross the street and you're in the park. Pretty sweet.

Awesome news #2: Graham is 6 months old!

Our best boy is 6 months old. I'll have more on this when we do the ritual dump off the camera, but he's doing great. Every girl's crazy about a sharp dressed Graham, and he fits the bill consistently.

Awesome news #3: We sold the vacant lot!
The whole purpose of this journal, for those who have been keeping up, was to document the construction of a new house on a vacant lot we owned. That quickly turned into a nightmare and we made a decision to sell the lot some months ago. Since then, it's been heartbreak city as the market seemed completely disinterested. Lo, behold! There's someone who yesterday signed up to buy it for more than our asking price. So, yay! We not only get out from under the debt, but we'll have money to put into the new place to tie up some loose ends and build a deck out back. Things aren't 100% assured, but they are 99.999%. We'll have a final signing, and a fat deposit into our checking account, on April 7. Pray for us.

Awesome news #4: Lords of the North rule
Our band (me and 2 other guys, not Elissa and Graham) played our first show last Saturday to rave reviews. Pat (bass/singer) has a lot of industry experience and got us in the Seattle Times' hot weekend happenings section for the Friday prior, and we sold out the hall where we played. It was great, people both cheered and jeered me because I was smiling the whole time we were smashing out our songs. If you haven't heard the music yet, some of our recorded songs are on For those that have heard us, there are pictures from the show up there.

If you like knowing I'm happy, this is the best we've been doing since before our wedding. Things are honky donkey in Seattle for the Roches. Hip hip hooray!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Overdue! Months 4 & 5

Sorry for the delay, here's the latest on our best boy...

The last two months brought him from Xmas to last Wednesday. He took his first plane trip and caught his first serious cold (maybe even pneumonia!) on our trip back to Philadelphia to see the Roches. The highlight of that trip was having all the grandkids in the same room at the same time, though I'm not sure if we got all the kids in the same shot at the same time. You'll get the idea.

More recently, Graham is thrilling us with his daily accomplishments. Yesterday, for example, I saw him roll over (tummy to back) for the first time ever. Likely stemming from his pride for that achievement, he then started essentially talking to us. While sitting in my lap facing Elissa, he would howl at her and then do his little crackling sound (imagine someone imitating crinkling cellophane, that's his noise) when she turned to say hi. He is his own biggest fan, I think. Month 5 also brought him his first swimming outing, the water was a little cold for his liking.

Here are the pictures, sports fans!
Month 4
Month 5