Tuesday, April 24, 2007

We're all moved

Well, mostly moved. 99.9% of our belongings are now in the new rental apartment. All that's left is our desktop computer and some odds/ends. It took 10 hours, $1000, and all the sanity the two of us had. I loathe moving, but we were well-prepared and I'm glad it didn't drag out into a multi-day event.

It's a nice place, plenty of room and plenty of storage. We're going to need to work on getting rid of a lot of what we have as storage. Before moving, it was spread around the basement and clustered in the garage, and now we have filled all permissible space, in all 3 dimensions, of the garage we get as part of our rent. Some stuff is easy to see say bye, other stuff will be harder to part with. What I don't want to do is clutter up the inside, because we'll just be moving again in a year or two and the same nonsense will apply.

Shocking, especially if you've been following my progress with giving stuff away, was how much more we have now than what we moved in with. It's unreal. The move from the CD to Phinney was barely one truck-ful, but this took two trips, and the 2nd trip filled the truck almost half-way. I'm glad we didn't pay by the pound.

The best thing about our new place is its proximity to Green Lake. We're right behind the part where there's a playground and the baseball fields, so it'll be fun to sneak beers down there on weeknights and watch some grown-folk play softball. It's also decent for the dog, since the trail is a little bit of a walk. We can either let her run & sniff or take the trail around the lake. I'm pleased!

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