Friday, June 1, 2007

Maxine: Bad, but not as bad as it could be I guess

I got 'the call' from the vet. Maxine's fucked. The lump on the outside of her ribs, which is the size of 2 rolls of dimes or so, is only 10% the size of the bulk inside her rib cage. It would cost a lot to find the academic cause of the cancer, but it's more than likely a tumor related to her blood vessels, since other cancers rarely bleed at all, and hers is.

This fucking sucks. My little scared buddy is going to die soon. I got her when she was really little, and brought her to work every day for 5 years where she laid under my desk and barked at my co-workers. Now she's helpless, after a lifetime of being scared of her own shadow.

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