Thursday, July 12, 2007

Baby Health is a Go!

Everything is going great with the baby. Knock wood for us, but we seem to be having the template experience with this pregnancy. Not to take credit for anything, Elissa is a heck of a gal. She's getting uncomfortable and self-conscious, but she's walking the 3-mile Green Lake loop every day and she looks great.

Last night we went to a baby class to learn about emergency pre-term labor and all the early gross stuff. When they talked about the water breaking, they asked us to remember a mnemonic to help with what we tell the doctor. You're supposed to remember the time, amount, color, and odor of any liquid that comes out. I should have been dry-heaving at the thought of a variably-odorous liquid spilling from my wife's up-there, but I was just hungry for tacos. Mmmm, I love a good taco.

1 comment:

Mommy said...

This is not about you and how you feel about the process-- the whole thing is a miracle-- Think about the ENTIRE Process and realize the marvelous machine that the body is-- to produce a new person, after nurturing it for 9 months--and to then be able -if that's the choice--to nourish that new person--Wonder of Wonders-- Love the process-- It is bringing you your new person!!!Lovesha-- Mommy